山里で役に立つ英会話 (12月の会話)

Yuji:       1900s is drawing to a close, isn't it? I eat "Toshikoshi-soba",
         or buckwheat noodles on New Year's Eve? Do you like soba
         or do you know how to make soba?

Takeshi:     Oh yes,I like soba very much, but why do you make such a
         question, Yuji?

Yuji:       I used to get soba noodles at the shop and eat it with my
         family on New Year's Eve until last year.
         But this year I grew soba for myself for the first time
         in my life. I seeded the field with soba this summer and
         reaped it in October.

Takeshi:     I wonder why soba is gained in the fields. I didn't know
         we can get it in the soil. I only realize that soba is like
         noodles and we eat it by pouring hot water.

Yuji:      You know, after seeding soba, it grows about 50cm tall and
         flowers come out. When the flowers died, many seeds are
         produecd. Then we remove them from the spray.
         After we make the seeds get dried, we grind them, then we
         get gray powder.This is called soba powder.

Takeshi:     What do you do with that powder?

Yuji:      Well, we add flour and water and knead into a loaf.
         After enlarging it we cut with a knife and make noodles.
         This is "Teuchi Soba" or hand-made buckwheat noodles.

Takeshi:     Oh dear! It takes time and trouble, doesn't it?

Yuji:       I'll give you my Teuchi Soba as the year-end present.

Takeshi:     Oh, thank you. I'll taste it carefully.

雄二:    1900年代も終わりに近づいたね。僕は大晦日には年越しそばを食べるんだが、君は

武司:    うん、そばは大好きだよ。でもどうして、そんなことを聞くの?

雄二:    去年までは、店でそばを買ってきて、それを大晦日に食べていたんだよ。でも、今年は

武司:    そばが畑でできるなんて不思議だなあ。土で育つなんて知らなかったよ。そばといえば

雄二:    種を蒔いた後、50cmほどに生長して、花が咲くんだ。花が枯れると、実がなるんだよ。

武司:    その粉をそうするの?

雄二:    うん、小麦粉と水を加えて練り上げてひとかたまりにするんだよ。大きく伸ばしてから

武司:    そうかい、時間と手間がかかるんだね。

雄二:    お歳暮に僕の手打ちそばをあげるよ。

武司:    ありがとう。よく味わって食べるよ。