山里で役に立つ英会話 (6月の会話)

Yuji:     We've finished the rice planting and the paddy fields are
       becoming greener and greener day by day. Now I feel relieved.
       But you look gloomy, don't you? What's up?
Takeshi:  Last week my fellow worker died suddenly in the office.
       He and I were very good friends and we often went fishing to the
Yuji:    Was he in poor health?
Takeshi:  No. He was in good health and has never consulted the doctor
Yuji:    Then did he die of accident or something?
Takeshi:  No. From overwork. Every day he worked till late at night and
       usually got home at midnight.
Yuji:    Then, is your company doing a good business though the
       depression is at its worst now?
Takeshi:  No, the business is so slow that about half the employee
       were fired three months ago. From that time on we had to do
       the double the work.
Yuji:    So your friend worked too hard and ruined his health and died?
       It's so-called "Karoshi", isn't it? That's too bad. Then take good
       care of yourself.
Takeshi:  Thank you. Now you look good, don't you? Well, I've never heard
       about the farmer who died of overwork. Have you?
Yuji:     No, I haven't, either. Even if I do the farmwork with all my might,
       I'm not mentally exhausted at all. Though I feel muscular pain and
       it's so difficult to bend over, I am refreshed. Touching the soil
       sets my mind at ease. So I'm sure there's no "Karoshi"
       in the sphere of agriculture.

雄二:  田植えが終わり、田んぼは日に日に緑が鮮やかに なってきたよ。今はほっとしているんだ。

武司:  先週、僕の会社の同僚が突然亡くなったんだよ。彼と僕は仲良しで、よく海に釣り行ったん

雄二:  どこか悪かったの?

武司:  いや、健康そのもので、これまで一度も医者に見てもらったことはなかったんだ。

雄二:  それじゃ、事故か何かで亡くなったの?

武司:  そうじゃないんだ。働き過ぎなんだよ。毎日、夜遅くまで仕事をして、家に帰るのは 深夜だっ

雄二:  世の中は不景気なのに君の会社は景気がいいんだね。

武司:  違うんだ。景気が悪いので、3ヶ月前に従業員の半分がクビになったんだよ。そのときから、

雄二:  友達は働きすぎて健康を害し、そして亡くなったんだね。いわゆる「過労死」って いうやつだ

武司:  ありがとう。君は元気そうだね。ところで、農業をやりすぎて亡くなった人のことは聞いた こと

雄二:  僕もないよ。たとえ、力一杯農作業をしても、僕は精神的には全然疲れないよ。 体の節々は