山里で役に立つ英会話 (10月の会話)

Takeshi:      Have you finished harvesting rice yet?

Yuji:        Yeah,it's over about half a month ago, and I'm now in the
          relaxed mood.

Takeshi:      Then, are you tasting the new rice every day?

Yuji:        Of course. The taste and flovour are very good, so I often
          eat so much.

Takeshi:      Those who live in big cities and don't grow rice must envy
            you. By the way, did you have a good harvest this year?

Yuji:        Yes, I've got much crop than last year. Because there were
          very few damages to the crops thanks to the fine weather
          this year.

Takeshi:      You're lucky, aren't you? Do you have to deliver
          surplus rice to the government or JA?

Yuji:       No, we don't have to. I'll deliver 300kg of rice, only about
          two fifths of the harvest, to JA. Because the JA only buys
          just for at a low price.

Takeshi:      Are you going to give or sell it to someone, then?

Yuji:       I'll send it to a relative who lives in Osaka.
          Or sell at a low rate to several families which come
          from Kyusyu for work.

Takeshi:      Oh, you have a good head for business!

武司:    もう稲刈りは済んだのかい?

雄二:    うん、2週間ほど前に終わって、今はのんびりとしているんだ。

武司:    それじゃー、もう毎日新米を食べているの。

雄二:    もちろんさ、味も香りも最高だよ。ついつい食べ過ぎてしまうんだ。

武司:    都会に住んで米つくりをしていない人には羨ましいだろうな。


雄二:    うん、去年よりは良かったよ。天気が良くて、ほとんど病気が発生しなかったんだよ。

武司:    幸運だったね。余った米は政府か農協へ供出しなければならないの?

雄二:    そんなことないよ。僕は、収量の5分の2の300キログラムしか農協には出さないよ。

武司:    それじゃ、誰かにあげたり、売ったりするの。

雄二:    うん、大阪に住んでいる親戚に送ったり、九州から出稼ぎに来ている家族に

武司:    君は商売が上手だね。